Hidden God,
you meet us in those we encounter,
you wrestle with us in the choices we make,
you affirm us when we lay upon you our burdens -
our God, abroad in our world today.
Help us to follow where you lead,
to trace your hand at work in the movement of things,
and to labour with you, to pray with you
for the coming of your Kingdom on earth.
Hear our prayers today, at this time of economic uncertainty,
for those who are fearful of the future,
those who suffer as a result of actions beyond their control,
those who seek to regulate and reassure,
those who have to take wide-reaching decisions.
We pray for the many countries of the world
where struggle is taking place to establish good government,
where a new start is being sought after violence or disturbance,
where famine, disease, or poverty keep people in thrall.
We pray for all who suffer persectuion,
for their gender, their youth, their age,
their race, their beliefs, their insights,
that they may stand firm and be a reminder
of the riches that come from diversity.