A ceremony for admission to Communion with the authority of the General Assembly dates back only to Prayers for Divine Service (1923), but an Act of 1706 prescribes a process of preparation. A newForm and Order for the Confirmation of Baptismal Vows and Admission to the Lord’s Supper is now published. This order had been widely used and formed the basis for the 1923 order. Euchologion(second edition) had such a service and Dr. Sprott’s historical excursus which accompanied this is reproduced. This shows that Confirmation was also of baptismal vows, not in itself a ministration or means of grace but a judicial act. However, this avoids examination of any “Divine part” in the event. Baxter is quoted as saying that corroborating grace is to be expected. A critical survey is made of practice in other parts of the Church, including its association with the Bishop. The author argues for the wider use of such a rite, complete with a sacramental symbol (which he leaves open), done as a presbyteral and not episcopal act.
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