
This is the complete text of the closing worship at the 2018 Study Day. It was devised by Douglas Galbraith. Based round some of the artefacts in the building, and moving from station to station, it took the theme ‘makars’ (makers, poets), both creative artists and the Creator God.

Reference: Volume 54 2019, p54

This is the text of the booklet which participants studied before the worship at the close of the 2018 Study Day in Dunblane Cathedral. It provided short notes on some of the artefacts in the cathedral and on their creators.

Reference: Volume 54 2019, p54

Books reviewed are The Providence of God: A polyphonic approach by David Fergusson, Travels with a Stick: A pilgrim’s journey to Santiago de Compostela by Richard Frazer, The Fife Pilgrim Way: In the footsteps of monks, miners and martyrs by Ian Bradley, The Scottish Episcopal Church of Saint Ternan, Muchalls and A Bishop in Exile: The life and times of James Drummond, Bishop of Brechin 1684-1695, both by Edward Luscombe and Stuart Donald.

Reference: Volume 54 2019, p67

The Editor interviews the Revd Dr Douglas Galbraith who was elected Secretary in 2010 and retired in 2019.

Reference: Volume 54 2019, p73

Martin Ritchie and Douglas Galbraith

Following a profile of the new Secretary to the Society, the Revd Dr Martin Ritchie, the topics covered are the Study Day of 2018, the Annual Meeting of 2019 including the names of those elected to the Council, a tribute to the Revd James Stewart on retiring as editor of the Record, a note of members who have died, the proposal to remove the role of Vice President from the Constitution, and conversations about greater co-operation with the Scottish Church Society.


Reference: Volume 54 2019, p77

James Stewart

A brief review of the periodical publications of the Church Service Society, out of which “The Record” was born, and a summary of the contents of the present volume, which marks the events of the Society’s 150th anniversary.

Reference: Volume 50 2015, p1
PDF icon Volume 50 2015, p1 37.39 KB

Bryan D. Spinks

This article is based on Professor Spinks’ Sesquicentennial Lecture to the Society delivered on 17th October 2015 in New College, Edinburgh. In it, he offers a new perspective on the dramatic changes brought about in patterns of worship in Scottish Presbyterian Church life in the nineteenth-century. ‘Devolution’ and ‘evolution’ are the key terms here. After describing the pattern of traditional worship, Spinks notes some early attempts to ‘devolve’ good practice to ministers and argues these attempts are good examples of the organic development of liturgical ideas. The rather more revolutionary innovations of Robert Lee and others are charted, leading indirectly to the founding of the Church Service Society in 1865. The wide liturgical ‘gene pool’ promoted by the Society is noted, the Euchologion offering a new species of liturgy which was adapted, in a process of devolution, in many parishes throughout the Church of Scotland. The founding of the high church party’s Scottish Church Society in 1892 and the influence of the ‘Scoto-Catholicism’ of James Cooper are described, as is the influence of liturgical renewal on other Scottish Presbyterian churches. The changes in practice in praise in song, while not universally accepted, are detailed. Using modern evolutionary theory, Spinks suggests that these liturgical revivals might be compared to Hox genes which switch on to adapt and evolve to conditions that are changing. As in nature, these new liturgical forms co-existed and were inter-bred with the older forms, creating hybrid forms. The immense cultural and social changes brought about by the Victorian age were the trigger for this evolutionary shift. Spinks closes by suggesting that the CSS has a role to play in the liturgical evolution currently underway, triggered by the profound changes witnessed in our own time also.

Reference: Volume 50 2015, p2
PDF icon Record 50 2015, 2-22117.83 KB

Full details are given of the proceedings which marked the 150th anniversary of the Society.

Reference: Volume 50 2015, p23
PDF icon Volume 50 2015, p2370.46 KB

John Chalmers

Full details are given of the proceedings which marked the 150th anniversary of the Society.

Reference: Volume 50 2015, p31
PDF icon Volume 50 2015, p3156.6 KB

Neil Gardner

Full details are given of the proceedings which marked the 150th anniversary of the Society.

Reference: Volume 50 2015, p34
PDF icon Volume 50 2015, p3452.95 KB

Gilleasbuig Macmillan

Full details are given of the proceedings which marked the 150th anniversary of the Society.

Reference: Volume 50 2015, p38
PDF icon Volume 50 2015, p38 48.91 KB

James Stewart

James C. Stewart offers reflections on the recent history of the Society and the changes in liturgical practice it has witnessed and contributed to, through the lens of its various publications.

Reference: Volume 50 2015, p43
PDF icon Volume 50 2015, p4364.18 KB

Douglas Galbraith

A summary of recent publications from around the world on the theme of worship.

Reference: Volume 50 2015, p51
PDF icon Volume 50 2015, p5150.68 KB

Douglas Galbraith

A tribute to Susan Wilson, production manager of The Record.

Reference: Volume 50 2015, p54

Douglas Galbraith

A reflection on the events which made up the anniversary year and beyond. 

Reference: Volume 50 2015, p56
PDF icon Volume 50 2015, p56 87.27 KB
