The editor underlines a theme that emerges in the issue, the need for a clear awareness of where we have come from if we are to know where we are going. David Beckett is quoted, on 'Presbyterian leaders who know all too well how to improvise but have never learned to play the tune'.
The Church of Scotland has an ambivalent attitude to children. The writer's experience in the Board of Parish Education and as Sunday School Adviser. An account of the place of children in the church in the immediate and the more distant past. Westerhoff's four stages of faith. An assessment of today's practice, where imaginative initiatives are found but where also difficulties are experienced in carrying this into Sunday worship. The Sunday School in its traditional form may have had its day. The paper urges further work.
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The paper outlines some of the trends, styles and influences at work in stained glass in Scotland from its revival around 1820 to the present time. The ancient history of glass. Its expansion in conjunction with Gothic architecture. Glass as mirror of the world and bible of the poor. Scotland and glass: the Reformation (an editorial note questions the assumption of destruction); the Age of Enlightenment as not producing suitable buildings for glass; its re-emergence with the Gothic Revival (but which went beyond the medieval style); pioneers in Scotland. Many examples are given and their styles analysed (Pre-Raphaelitism, the Aesthetic Movement, the Arts and Crafts Movement, Art Nouveau etc. The effect of war on the subject matter of stained glass. Some contemporary artists are named.
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This paper was given at the Study Day in Kippen in 2011 by the founder of the bodies described. Referring to the spread of themes found in stained glass windows, the paper gives the functions of the Symposium and Trust as 1. conservation (or originals, of artistic integrity, of concept), 2. knowledge-sharing (research and filing, inventories, signatures on windows), 3. recording (film, NADFAS, Scottish War Memorials Project).
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This is an descriptive outline of an event in St Giles' Cathedral on 30th october 2012, attended by members of civic and faith communities and with the aim of expressing solidarity with the people of Syria. It was attended by some 200 people. An initiative of the Church of Scotland, greetings from Syrian church leaders were transmitted through Dr Macdonald Dr Andrew McLellan, and contributions to the event were made by a lecturer in Contemporary Islam and by a Middle Eastern music ensemble; there were readings from the Bible and the Qu'ran.
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This is an edited and updated version of an article which appeared (February 1980) in Continuo, the former magazine of the Glasgow Society of Organists. The writer was the Revd James Hay Hamilton. It refers to a form of service known as 'The Use of Colmonell'. The music is reproduced. It is found that the trust set up to continue this Use does not currently function.
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An extract from Memoirs of a Highland Lady (Elizabeth Grant of Rothiemurcus). It illustrates the situation of worship in Scotland prior to the founding of the Church Service Society. It is followed by a poem about going to church from 1872.
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(Selections from The Literary Remains of John Davidson, Lewis Smith, Aberdeen, 1872, p.7)
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The forthcoming Annual Meeting 2013 with author Jonny Baker. The Study Day on John McLeod Campbell to be in October 2013. The Annual Meeting 2012 with the presidential address by Rachel Dobie and the Study Day 2012 In Gorbals Parish Church addressed by English Methodist Adrian Burdon on Worship and Mission and by John Harvey who brought a local perspective. Ideas for the 150th anniversary of the Society in 2015. The website and the mounting of the results of the Wode Psalter Project of the University of Edinburgh. Co-operation with the Scottish Church Society. The publishing by the Society of the three Chalmers Lectures for the 450th anniversary of the Reformation in 2010.
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The editor sets the context for the articles to follow and, reflecting on the aims of the founders of the Society, proposes that it adopts a programme of serious study to begin its fourth half century.
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Worship in the 1961 C of E is contrasted with the considerable variety to be found today. One change is the focus on mission and the realisation that 'one size doesn't fit all'. Without confessions, Anglican doctrine is enshrined in its worship. This makes it difficult to provide liturgy for a diverse church. The developments leading up to the new Common Worship provision is set out. This contrasts with previous material in that: it is presented in a multi-media form; it reflects a multiplicity of context; it contains both the old and new and it is possible to move between them in one service of worship. Common worship means something different from the BCP in that it is not expressed in common material but a common, four-fold, structure, reflecting two underlying theological concepts: God shares our life (incarnation), and transforms it (redemption). Common prayer is still important to Anglicans: doctrine, part of church catholic. The variety in today's C of E is set out. The challenge of Fresh Expressions is discussed, as is the issue of formation and training.
The writer discusses the relative desirability of an immediate funeral and a later event with better marks the life of the deceased. Expectations of funerals raised by film and television are discussed, which tend towards pomp and vulgarity. The dangers of adding to the basic service, with multiple contributions, are outlined. The funeral can double as a memorial service. Structure is discussed and the prevalence of prayer which is aimed at the congregation rather than God is deplored. The focus is often lost; the structure ought to set forth the Love of God in respect of the deceased and family and friends. The difficulties when ministers lose control of the planning of the ceremony. Departing from the set services also carry dangers. The use of the AV and the choice and appropriate delivery of biblical passages. The writer considers the Address, the desirability of brevity throughout the service, hymns and music, rubrics, experimentation, memorial services, and the the use of names.
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The Warden of the College of the Holy Spirit at the Cathedral of the Isles on the Isle of Cumbrae discusses the influence of the Oxford Movement in the establishment of the College, and outlines the early history of the College as a seminary for Episcopal priests. He reflects on the Movement's influence on the Scottish Episcopal Church. The author reflects on his own liturgical upbringing and how his work as a theatre and orchestra manager contributed to a developing understanding of worship. Some account of the current life of the College and Cathedral is given.
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The Society's Study Day at Kippen in 2011 prompts this reprint of an article in the Society's Annual 1929-30 by the Rev J M Younie, the parish minister, when the renovation of the building was partially completed. The Editor has added material to bring the account up to date.
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