The Psychology of Worship

No author specified

'A voice from the pew'. An appeal for one service a week with the 99 lost sheep in mind. Traditional services assume too much, about state of preparation and knowledge. Discussed is the entering of the church, the welcome card in the pew; for organ music, hymn tunes are better than voluntaries. Without a choir to lead, it is difficult to sing to the organ. In announcing, draw attention to the meaning and the words. Bring people to the front, to sing better. Preaching is discussed (have real people in mind), and the first prayer; preface and conclude each reading with an explanation, use modern translation more but not exclusively. Suggests a preaching structure: say what going to say, expand it, sum up. Sermon must not be negative, since often it is the negative that stays in people's minds; also make it short. In confession, no self-accusatory lists. Responses not suitable for once-comers, but collects said together are. The article continues with discussion of the prayers of intercession and the offering, a further part of the sermon, and blessing.

Volume 13 Spring 1986, p15
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