
No Author Specified

No summary currently available

Reference: Volume 18 1948, p45
PDF icon Notes and Comments 271.95 KB

Illustrations in this volume

(All between pages 16 and 17)

St Bride’s Parish Church, Sanquhar
St Bride’s Parish Church, Sanquhar: The Chancel
St Bride’s Parish Church, Sanquhar: Chancel and Transept

Reference: Volume 18 1948
PDF icon Illustrations999.81 KB

The Rev J M Kirkpatrick, DD

An account of the life of a key member of the Church Service Society and the influential Aberdeen Ecclesiological Society, minister of the East Church, Aberdeen, author, editor, and ecumenist.

Reference: Volume 17 1947, p3
PDF icon James Cooper, 1846-19224.03 MB

The Rev Wm D Maxwell, BD, Ph D, Hillhead Parish Church, Glasgow

Against the increasing practice of evening communions, the author calls for attention to the stronger symbolism of Sunday morning. He also writes on the question of orientation.

Reference: Volume 17 1947, p12

The Rev David S Rutherford, MA, Minister of the Parish

An account of the foundation of this sixteenth century collegiate church, key events in its history, and a detailed look at its fabric, including the restoration of 1935-6. Illustrated.

Reference: Volume 17 1947, p16
PDF icon Biggar - St Mary’s4.46 MB

The Rev Wm McMillan, Ph D, DD, St Leonard’s Parish Church, Dunfermline

Henderson is shown as the foremost minister in 17th century Scotland, and his own writings and materials from the time are quarried for information about details of church practice, with particular attention given to Baptism and Holy Communion. The Westminster Directory, to which Henderson contributed, is also discussed. An interesting digression is the use of the form of the praefatio, preface.

Reference: Volume 17 1947, p22
PDF icon Alexander Henderson and Worship6.56 MB

No Author Specified

The Rev Thomas Marjoribanks, DD
The Rev Ninian Hill, DD

Reference: Volume 17 1947, p34
PDF icon No Author Specified 2.03 MB

No Author Specified

The misuse of the Charge at an Ordination/Induction and the practice of omitting the sermon. The use of lecterns. A Service Book for the Young in preparation, and an earlier such publication, from the Society and edited by James Cooper, in 1917, is recalled.

Reference: Volume 17 1947, p38
PDF icon Notes and Comments1.98 MB

Illustrations in this volume

(All between pages 24 and 25)

Biggar - St Mary’s
Biggar - St Mary’s: Chancel and Apse
Biggar - St Mary’s: The Transepts
Biggar - St Mary’s: Norman Door: South Transept

Reference: Volume 17 1947
PDF icon Illustrations1.47 MB

The Rev William McMillan, Ph D, DD, St Leonard’s Church, Dunfermline

The article encompasses the origins of the lectern, the history of their use in Scotland, detailed information on the acquisition and design of a comprehensive list of lecterns in local churches, table lecterns, lectern cloths, and how they should be used today.

Reference: Volume 16 1946, p1
PDF icon Lecterns7.25 MB

The Rev David G M Stalker, BD, Minister of the Parish

An account of the foundation, ruin and restoration of the building and a detailed description of its interior, furnishings and inscriptions, with photographs.

Reference: Volume 16 1946, p15

William McMillan

William McMillan - short note on
The Ministry of the Word by F D Coggan, MA, DD
The Book of Common Prayer by D E Harrison, MA
Strange Victory by M A C Warren
(All Canterbury Press)

Reference: Volume 16 1946, p22
PDF icon Reviews 495.66 KB

The Rev Alexander Smart, Ph D, St Cuthbert’s Church, Saltcoats

The most common positions and a discussion of the best locations for the instrument and for the choir.

Reference: Volume 16 1946, p23
PDF icon The Place for the Church Organ2.11 MB

The Rev J Arnott Hamilton, BD, Ph D, Newbattle

The origins of both garments, the distinction between them, and suggestions as to how they most properly should be used in the Church of Scotland.

Reference: Volume 16 1946, p27
PDF icon The Stole and the Scarf5.83 MB

Illustrations in this volume

The Lectern, St Leonard’s Parish Church, Dunfermline  -  Facing page 14
St Fillan’s Parish Church, Aberdour (before restoration)   -  Facing page 15
St Fillan’s Parish Church, Aberdour (after restoration)   -  Facing page 16
St Fillan’s Parish Church, Aberdour (Interior)   -  Facing page 17

Reference: Volume 16 1946
PDF icon Illustrations1.03 MB
