
The Rev William McMillan, Ph D, DD, St Leonard’s, Dunfermline

A historical survey of Scottish fonts, lavers, font covers, font cloths and private fonts.

Reference: Volume 15 1944-45 (War-time issue), p1
PDF icon The Baptismal Font6.85 MB

The Rev William Crawford, MA, Uphall

A history and guide to the church.

Reference: Volume 15 1944-45 (War-time issue), p9

The Rev John Kennedy, BD, Ph D, Cambuslang

Dr Kennedy argues that modern man, through rationality and secularism, is cut off from the truth, goodness and beauty which belong to God. The Church’s message, and the Church’s buildings, must reflect the transcendent and the sacramental, and help “modern man” to recover a sense of reverence, community and dependence on God.

Reference: Volume 15 1944-45 (War-time issue), p12

The Rev A Nevile Davidson, DD, Glasgow Cathedral

Dr Davidson argues that the restriction of training to the academic sphere has equipped ministers for a teaching ministry but not so much for a pastoral or devotional one. His vision is of a residential college where academic training might be supplemented by community life and devotional discipline.

Reference: Volume 15 1944-45 (War-time issue), p17
PDF icon Training for the Ministry2.52 MB

Various contributors

A First Communion Manual, by the Rev Ninian Hill DD, reviewed by Millar Patrick
The Shape of the Liturgy, by Dom Gregory Dix, reviewed by William McMillan

Reference: Volume 15 1944-45 (War-time issue), p11, p20
PDF icon Reviews1.43 MB

Illustrations in this volume

(All between pages 10 and 11)

The Font, St Cuthbert’s Parish Church, Edinburgh
Uphall Kirk (as restored)
Uphall Kirk - Ground Plan
The Font, St Leonard’s Church, Dunfermline

Reference: Volume 15 1944-45 (War-time issue)
PDF icon Illustrations1.45 MB

The Rev William McMillan, Ph D, DD, St Leonard’s, Dunfermline

Dr McMillan gives a historical account of the Communion Table (both fixed and portable) in Scotland, with notes on other related topics: Frontals, Frontlet, Flowers, Desk, Alms Dish, Cross and Riddels.

Reference: Volume 14 1943-44 (War-time Issue), p1

The Rev John MacRae, MA, Livingston

Mr MacRae outlines the process by which “debts”, almost universal in mediaeval versions of the Lord’s Prayer, gave way increasingly to “trespasses”.

Reference: Volume 14 1943-44 (War-time Issue), p8
PDF icon “Debts” or “Trespasses”2.15 MB

The Rev Andrew Cumming, BD, Minister of the Parish

A description of the village, the graveyard and the parish church, restored in 1927 by Mr Jeffrey Waddell.

Reference: Volume 14 1943-44 (War-time Issue), p11

The Rev Millar Patrick, DD, Linton

A plea for much wider repertoire in most congregational worship, with suggestions from French, German, English and Scottish sources.

Reference: Volume 14 1943-44 (War-time Issue), p13
PDF icon Hymns We Might Sing3.97 MB

W J Stuart, Esq, FRSCE, Member of the Kirk Session of St Andrew’s Parish Church, Edinburgh

Mr Stuart urges that prayers be confined to five minutes, sermons to no more than twenty five. He dislikes the custom of children’s talks followed later by a sermon, favours an offering received at the church door, is dubious of services celebrating organisations or causes - “Keep out the laymen!” . He finds anthems too often exhibitionist, and believes that ministers could be spared much work if everyone accepted that the second service should be a repeat of the first, for those who had not been able to attend.

Reference: Volume 14 1943-44 (War-time Issue), p17
PDF icon A Voice from the Pew2.36 MB

Illustrations in this volume

(All between pages 10 and 11)

The Holy Table, Crathie Parish Church
The Holy Table, St Cuthbert’s Parish Church, Edinburgh
The Parish Church of Fowlis Wester (before restoration)
The Parish Church of Fowlis Wester (as restored, 1927)

Reference: Volume 14 1943-44 (War-time Issue)
PDF icon Illustrations1.04 MB

The Rev Millar Patrick, DD

Millar Patrick recalls an attempt in 1827 by a General Assembly Committee to recruit contemporary poets and poetesses, including Sir Walter Scott, Wordsworth, Southey, Mrs Grant of Laggan et al, (and many of their responses) to submit enlargements to the Paraphrases. He suggests that the failure of the enterprise resulted from an unwillingness to consider hymns, which had many years previously been introduced to the Relief Church.

Reference: Volume 13 1942-43 (War-time Issue), p1

The Very Rev J Hutchison Cockburn, DD, Dunblane Cathedral

Hutchison Cockburn describes and commends the College and its influence on preaching, expressing the hope that Scotland might one day “be blessed with such an institution”.

Reference: Volume 13 1942-43 (War-time Issue), p6

No Author Specified

An unattributed (?editorial) plea that prayers of Thanksgiving and those of Intercession should be separated when the 1940 Book of Common Order comes to be revised.

Reference: Volume 13 1942-43 (War-time Issue), p7
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