
Several reviewers listed

An Outline of Christian Worship by William D Maxwell, OUP;  reviewed by J Harry Miller

A Book of Prayers for Schools,  SCM Press, reviewed by Millar Patrick 

The Daily Service:  Prayers and Hymns for Schools, ed G W Briggs (prayers), Percy Dearmer, R 
Vaughan Williams, Martin Shaw, G W Briggs (hymns), OUP;  reviewed by Millar Patrick

Christian Worship:  Studies in its History and Meaning,  ed. Nathaniel Micklem, OUP,
reviewed by Millar Patrick

The Reformation, the Mass, and the Priesthood by Ernest C Messenger, London, Longmans, Green & 
Co. reviewed by William McMillan

Scottish Church Architecture by J S Coltart;  SPCK, reviewed by William McMillan

The Mediaeval Styles of the English Parish Church by F E Howard, London, B T Batsford Ltd; 
reviewed by William McMillan

Worship by Evelyn Underhill, London, Nisbet & Co, reviewed by Thomas Marjoribanks

A History of Christian Worship by Oscar Hardman;  Hodder & Stoughton: reviewed by W Napier Bell

Prayers for Common Worship by James Ferguson; Allenson & Co. Ltd, reviewed by John Wilson Baird

Reference: Volume 09 1936-37
PDF icon Reviews7.42 MB

No Author Specified

A forthcoming lecture by J S Whale at the Society’s AGM
The 800th anniversary of St Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall
The tercentenary of the Tron Kirk, Edinburgh
“Laud’s Liturgy” of 1637
A paper on The Choirmaster and his Choir
The distinction between stole and scarf
The proclamation of Banns of Marriage
Varying use of hands and arms when pronouncing the Benediction.

Reference: Volume 09 1936-37
PDF icon Notes and Comments7.42 MB

Illustrations in this volume

St Magnus Cathedral - from the North-West  -  Frontispiece
St Magnus Cathedral - The Triple Portal  -  facing page 17
St Magnus Cathedral - The Nave  -  facing page 20
St Magnus Cathedral - The Crossing  -  facing page 21
Christ’s Kirk at the Tron, Edinburgh  -  facing page 94

Reference: Volume 09 1936-37
PDF icon Illustrations1.58 MB

The Right Rev Richard Roberts, DD, Moderator of the United Church of Canada

Richard Roberts, of the newly United Church of Canada, describes retreats planned with the constituent parts of the Church [Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregationalist] and a proportion of immigrant eastern Europeans in mind.  These were a reaction against the decay of reverence (“God as primus inter pares”) and, he believes, the decline in the quality of preaching.  The quarry which led to the pattern for these retreats was the Abbé Poulain’s The Graces of Interior Prayer, adapted for “Protestant novices”.   He further describes the necessary adjustments required to introduce such a retreat to those - majority of participants - who were unfamiliar with this practice, and he outlines the original timetable.  The results, in varying circumstances, were moving.

Reference: Volume 08 1935-36, p3
PDF icon An Experiment in Retreats4.39 MB

The Rev W Neil Sutherland, MC, MA, Dalmeny

W Neil Sutherland reports on progress on a protracted work of restoration.  Principally, he dwells on the rebuilding of the tower, utilising Dalmeny stone earlier transported to Edinburgh for the construction of the old Calton jail, later demolished, and recycled for a higher use back once more
in Dalmeny.

Reference: Volume 08 1935-36, p11

The Rev D H Hislop, MA, Ardwell

D H  Hislop quotes Karl Adam: “The eternal light of revelation is differently reflected in the prism of each age with different angles of refraction.”  He takes seriously the insights of psychology in respect of (a) the people at worship and their interaction;  (b) method of worship; and (c) the Being to whom worship is offered.  He draws attention to the will to worship expressing itself in the means to worship;  yet not all worshippers are (and cannot be) equally involved.  Attitude, he suggests, helps to unite a disparate worshipping congregation.  He goes on to examine the subconscious and its meaning for worship, and sees worship as a liberating experience.  Lastly, and interestingly, he considers the psychological aspects of liturgy and forms of worship. 

Reference: Volume 08 1935-36, p17
PDF icon The Psychology of Worship6.26 MB

The Rev James T Soutter, MA, Whitekirk

James Tindall Soutter gives the geographical and topographical background of Whitekirk (or Hamer) and its church, with reference to the role of David I and the visit in 1435 of Aeneas Silvius, later Pope Pius II.   He then describes the restoration undertaken in modern times under the guidance of Sir Robert Lorimer.  Soutter himself,  before becoming parish minister, was a Scottish athlete of some note.  In the title of a self-published booklet of 1926 he called Whitekirk “the Lourdes of the Middle Ages”.  The site of Our Lady’s well, of healing propensities, has been

Reference: Volume 08 1935-36, p28
PDF icon The Church of St Mary, Whitekirk5.85 MB

The Rev J Wilson Baird, MA, Aberdeen

John Wilson Baird refers to Ethiopia as a “pathetic island in the sea of Paganism and Islam which surrounds it” (the Italo-Abyssinian war was then in progress).  Its Christian history, as he unfolds, renders it much less “pathetic”.   Its isolation accounted for many features peculiar to itself (e.g. circumcision, ritual dancing).  The Ethiopic Liturgy is distinctive, not least in the priest’s prayers of preparation, quoted at length.  Other prayers are examined, notably that leading to the consecration at the Eucharist, the offertory, the intercessions and the thanksgiving.

Reference: Volume 08 1935-36, p37
PDF icon The Ethiopic Liturgy5.07 MB

The Rev James W Runciman, BD, Udaipur, Rajputana

James W Runciman begins with a penetrating analysis of the passivity of the Hindu approach to worship and the ancient power of its metaphysic.  Both are quite inimical to the tenets of Christianity.  Judaism could be seen as a preparation for the Gospel;  Hinduism only as outright opposition with no common ground.   Christian missionary strategy is to demonstrate abundant life, e.g. by fostering education and health care.  Hinduism has no such outward expression:  it is “the great system of Pessimism”.   In Rajputana, 5000 scattered Christians are swamped by 12 million Hindus.  Indifference (a Hindu characteristic) affects a Christian community content to follow non-Indian denominational leads.  Thus there is no indigenous liturgy.  The writer points to the way ahead in which the needs of Indian Christians can be met.   In this respect he values, inter alia, the use of creeds and catechisms, even above sermons.  This is a revealing and thoughtful article which does not gloss over the difficulties facing the Church.

Reference: Volume 08 1935-36, p46
PDF icon Worship in Rajputana4.43 MB

Several reviewers listed

Our Heritage in Public Worship (1933 Kerr Lectures)  by D H Hislop;   Edinburgh, T & T Clark:  
reviewed by Thomas Marjoribanks
Vital Elements in Public Worship by J Ernest Rattenbury, Epworth Press;  reviewed by Millar Patrick
Divine Worship, Epworth Press;  reviewed by Millar Patrick
The Cathedrals of England by Harry Batsford and Charles Fry, London: B T Batsford Ltd
The English Abbey by F H Crossley, London: B T Batsford Ltd
The Parish Churches of England by    J Charles Cox, ed. Charles Bradley Ford, London: B T Batsford Ltd

Reference: Volume 08 1935-36
PDF icon Reviews4.61 MB

No Author Specified

Handbook to the Church Hymnary (Supplement)
The Scottish Service Book, for the Use of His Majesty’s Forces
Occasional Papers: 'A Year’s Praise' and 'Musical Services'

Reference: Volume 08 1935-36, p46
PDF icon Notes on Recent Church Publications4.43 MB

Illustrations in this volume

Dalmeny Church, from the South  -  Frontispiece
Dalmeny Church, Interior  -  Facing page 11
St Mary’s, Whitekirk, from the South  -  Facing page 28
St Mary’s, Whitekirk, Interior  -  Facing page 30
St Mary’s, Whitekirk, The Holy Table  -  Facing page 32
St Mary’s, Whitekirk, The Tithe Barn  -  Facing page 32

Reference: Volume 08 1935-36, p54
PDF icon Illustrations1.59 MB

The Rev Thomas Marjoribanks, DD, Morham

Thomas Marjoribanks emphasises the pioneering role of the Church Service Society, notes the work of members involved in the study of liturgy and examines the nature of the Sunday service before going on to reflect on the specific role of the Minister in it. He identifies that role as having two principle elements: as acting for the people to God and, on the other hand, for God to the people. It should not merely be informed by the Minister’s personal religious experience, but by the faith of the Church.

Reference: Volume 07 1934-35, p3
PDF icon The Minister in the Service4.16 MB

The Rev Millar Patrick, DD, Edinburgh

Patrick Millar looks at the recent origins of this ‘miniature cathedral’ of numerous architectural styles.  He refers to the legends of St Conan which moved Walter Douglas Campbell to plan and build the kirk; and of how his vision was shared and later carried forward by his sister, Helen.  The eclectic architecture, acquired furnishings and the association of Celtic saints’ names with its constituent parts are all described in a sympathetic manner, although the writer is aware of  reasons for the criticisms of the “purist” at every turn.

Reference: Volume 07 1934-35, p11
PDF icon St Conan’s Kirk, Loch Awe4.05 MB

The Rev Professor Georges V Florovsky, Institute of Orthodox Theology, Paris

Georges Florovsky sets out the eucharistic teaching of the Orthodox Church in relation, especially, to the meaning of “remembrance”.  The liturgical commemoration or anamnesis, he avers, involves not only the past, but a “re-presentation”.   The priestly invocation or epiklesis, by the action of the Holy Spirit, causes the change of  the elements into the Body and Blood of Christ.  In this way, the altar is “the Holy grave, in which the Heavenly Master is falling asleep.” The “musterion” or mystery enshrined in the Eucharist engenders our unworthiness, but allows us to participate in a continuous hymn of thanksgiving.   Imagery presents much virgin territory for
Kirk readers.

Reference: Volume 07 1934-35, p17
