Herbert Wiseman, while not unmindful of the anomaly, welcomes [R C] Sir Richard Terry’s new 1935 edition of the 1635 Scottish Psalter. It consists of two main sections: transference of the tune from the tenor part to the treble, with appropriate harmonisation; and the reprinting of the Psalter in its original form. Wiseman then sets the Psalter in its historical context and surveys and evaluates some of the tunes adopted. “The mawkish sentimental hymn-tune is a poor substitute
for our old Psalm tunes.” He looks forward in hope.
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Tercentenary of The Scottish Psalter of 1635 | 3.29 MB |
R G M Calderwood, in discussing his own experience of worship in the mission field, regards Kenya as a tabula rasa which allows scope for experimenting. He points to the African as having “a fine natural instinct” for worship. Ecumenical influences have also played a part in shaping services. Printed forms exist and are helpful in curbing undue length (“prayers informative”) and contributing a structure to be followed. In this respect, the Scottish input has both preserved
freedom and provided traditional guidelines.
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Worship in Kenya | 2.82 MB |
Of the Anglo-Catholic tradition, A G Hebert reflects on its meaning for him and for the wider Church. The Catholic tradition is compared with that of historic Protestantism: both shared the old conception of the church service in which individualism was eschewed for a more corporate understanding of the ecclesia. This differs radically from the Church being the means for the self-realisation of individuals. Liturgical prayer, the sermon and the restoration of the eucharist in the Church’s life nourish the former. The people of God are not spectators in this, but are themselves
offered up to God, through the action of the Spirit, Sunday by Sunday.
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Forms of Worship | 6.01 MB |
William McMillan’s examines the account, in Buchanan’s History of Scotland, of the Holy Communion reputed to have been celebrated by George Wishart on the morning of his martyrdom in St Andrews. There are few details of the order used. But Buchanan, supplemented by David Lindsay of Pitscottie’s Historie and Cronicles, shed light on early Scottish Reformed practice. Preaching and Communion are conjoined; the uniqueness of Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary; his role as heavenly intercessor; commemoration in the fullest sense, linked to the “spiritual oblation of all possible praise unto God”. Wishart also first partook himself. Finally, comparison is made with later liturgies which influenced the Scottish tradition.
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George Wishart’s Communion Service | 5.2 MB |
St Conan’s - Loch Awe, from the South-West - Frontispiece
St Conan’s - The Chancel - Facing page 11
St Conan’s - The Apse - Facing page 13
St Conan’s - The South Aisle - Facing page 15
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Illustrations | 1.24 MB |
The Eucharistic Doctrine of the Oxford Movement, by W H Mackean: London, Putnam,
reviewed by the Rev Wm McMillan, Dunfermline
The Mass of the Western Rite, by the Right Rev Dom Fernand Cabrol, Abbot of Farnborough,
tr. C M Anthony. London, Sands & Co, reviewed by the Rev Wm. McMillan, Dunfermline
A Newman Prayer Book, London, Burns, Oates, & Washbourne, reviewed by the Rev Wm McMillan,
Devotion and Discipleship: A Collection of the Important Devotional Works of the Rev A H McNeile,
DD, Cambridge, W Heffer & Sons Ltd, reviewed by the Rev Wm McMillan, Dunfermline
The Voice of Prayer. Prayers of the Centuries, selected and arranged by H G Tunnicliff
London, Ivor, Nicholson & Watson Ltd; reviewed by The Rev Wm McMillan, Dunfermline
Psychology and Sacraments, by Frank Craven Carter. London, Williams & Norgate,
reviewed by the Rev Wm McMillan, Dunfermline
Our National Church, by Canon Percy Dearmer. London, Nisbet & Co Ltd,
reviewed by the Rev Wm McMillan, Dunfermline
The Lutheran Origin of the Anglican Ordinal, by E C Messenger, London, Burns, Oates, & Washbourne
reviewed by the Rev Wm McMillan, Dunfermline
The Church Architecture of Protestantism, by Andrew Landale Drummond. Edinburgh, T & T Clark
reviewed by the Rev Wm McMillan, Dunfermline
Prayers for the Christian Year, The Church of Scotland Committee on Public Worship and Aids to
Devotion. OUP; reviewed by The Rev Wm Stevenson, Edinburgh
John Hepburn and the Hebronites, by the Rev Wm McMillan, St Leonard’s, Dunfermline. James
Clarke & Co, Ltd; reviewed by The Rev Wm Stevenson, Edinburgh
Le Culte: Étude d’Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses, Vol. III by Robert Will, University of
Strasbourg. Paris, Félis Alcan, reviewed by The Rev W D Maxwell, Glasgow
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Reviews | 3.51 MB |
An unattributed note which refers to two illustrations of the interior of the Church (architect: Leslie G Thomson) of which the underlying theme is the Ascension, and gives details of the artists and craftspeople responsible for the chancel furnishing.
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The Reid Memorial Church, Edinburgh | 2.78 MB |
Starting from his belief that public worship cannot be made really effective unless there be in the hearts of the worshippers a vital and awe-inspiring conception of God, and drawing upon his experience in Honolulu, G A Johnston Ross calls for arrangements in church buildings which foster devotion.
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Some Conditions of Improved Worship | 3.17 MB |
William McMillan discusses in detail 18th century variations in sacramental practice and the controversy arising therefrom. At its sharpest in the Anti-Burgher wing of the Secession, this arose from varying understandings of the degree of precision to be attached to the word “took” in the dominical words of institution and gave rise at one point to a “Lifter Presbytery”. Sidelights are also cast on other aspects of liturgical practice.
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The Lifter Controversy | 15.15 MB |
Two papers prepared for a conference of the Society, both of them reflecting, and addressed to, the situation of the time as seen by the writers.
In I W White Anderson places the emphasis on “what”, whereas,
in II A Nevile Davidson gives more attention to “whether” and “for whom”.
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The Sunday Evening Service part I | 3.84 MB |
The Sunday Evening Service Part II | 4.29 MB |
Millar Patrick indicates that little evidence exists for the study of the subject. Noting that Church music (like music in general) in Scotland had reached a very low ebb by these times, he asserts that the blame is not to be laid at the door of the Reformers but was due to “a pestilent type of Puritanism” imported from the South, he nevertheless takes a strongly positive view of the words-only1650 Psalter not only in the life and witness of the Covenanters but in the spirituality of church and people to his own time
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The Psalmody of Covenanting Times | 8.93 MB |
George T. Wright contributes a long and defensive review of the Book, which he hails as requiring courage on the part of the Editors, the Public Worship Committee and of those choir-masters who introduce it. He dismisses many criticisms as misplaced and provides reasoned arguments against others in the light of the intended purposes of its compilers, which are to provided a standard of musical worthiness for all anthems sung in our churches and to make available a body of anthems (extraordinarily cheaply) of varying schools and degrees of difficulty.
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The Church Anthem Book | 7.63 MB |
Sir Christopher Nicholson Johnston, Lord Sands, DD, LL D
T B S T(homson) writes of one who was, inter alia, an Hon President of the Society, a Senator of the College of Justice, an ecclesiastical statesman, Procurator, Reader.
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In Memoriam 1033-34 | 1.22 MB |
Prayers for Services: A Manual for Leaders of Worship, compiled and edited by
Morgan Phelps Noyes; New York and London
A Free Church Liturgy, based on the Words of Holy Scripture, together with a simplified
Latin Rite and Orthodox Liturgy, compiled and arranged by J P Oakden; J M Dent & Sons Ltd
Memorials upon Several Occasions. Prayers and Thanksgivings for Use in Public Worship;
The History and Liturgy of the Sacraments, by Professor A Villien, tr. H W Edwards; London
History of the Church of Foulis Easter, by Arthur B Dalgetty. Dundee: Harley & Cox
The Breviary: Its History and Contents, by Dom Baudot, tr. the Benedictines of Stanbrook.
London and Edinburgh: Sands & Company
Discipleship and Christian Worship. A Study in the Mission of Christ and His Church, by
Edward C Rich, Prebendary of St Paul’s; London: A R Mowbray & Co.
The Nation and the Nation’s Worship, by the Bishop of Norwich. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode
The Story of the Prayer Book, by Percy Dearmer; London
The Gospel Sacraments, by J K Mozley, Canon of St Paul’s; London
An Anthology of Prayer. Compiled for Use in Church and Home, by A S T Fisher,
late Abbot Scholar, Christ Church, Oxford London
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Reviews 1933-34 | 3.19 MB |
The Reid Memorial Church, Edinburgh: The Chancel - Frontispiece
The Reid Memorial Church, Edinburgh: The Communion Table - Facing page 4
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Illustrations 1933-34 | 1.47 MB |