The Castlemilk Question

Rev John L Bell

The fourth of the papers given at the Workshop on Daily Worship at St Margaret’s, Barnhill, Dundee on St Andrew’s Day 1994 was given by the Revd John Bell. He reminds us that weekly and daily worship are different sides of the same coin: in one we encounter God as Source of all life, Lord of creation, Bridegroom of the Church, but in the other we acknowledge the God who meets us in the person of Jesus, in kitchens, market-places etc. He discusses the overloading of weekly worship at this time. He welcomes the new Common Order services but asks the ‘Castlemilk question’ – i.e. will it work in Castlemilk (or other similar place)? He develops this under the categories of time, scripture, psalms, patterned prayer, and the traditions behind the practice.

Volume 28 Lent 1995, p13
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