
John R Hume

Scottish Medieval Churches: Architecture and Furnishings by Richard Fawcett, Tempus Publishing Ltd, Stroud, 2002

John R Hume outlines the structure of the work under review and describes it as ‘definitive’ and as ‘unquestionably the most important work on medieval church building in Scotland written since MacGibbon and Ross’s pioneering three volume Ecclesiastical Architecture of Scotland, published in 1890’.

Reference: Volume 39 Spring 2004, p35
PDF icon Book Review1.53 MB

No author specified

Intimation of the Council’s proposal to use part of Professor Reid’s legacy to develop a website.

Reference: Volume 39 Spring 2004, p39
PDF icon Website156.69 KB

The Editor

No summary currently available

Reference: Volume 40 Winter 2004, p1

Alan D Birss

In his Presidential Address given to the 2004 AGM of the Society Alan D Birss recalls the shortcomings in worship which led to the foundation of the Society, and suggests that if conditions today have not reached a similar low ebb there are nevertheless matters which call for attention. He notes that the assertion of the normative character of Holy Communion in worship has largely fallen on deaf ears, suggests that materials provided by organisations promoting special Sundays tend to result in “a seminar with hymns”, regrets the tendency to over-emphasise Scottish distinctiveness, and questions the adequacy of liturgical training, especially in relation to the increasing number of non-ministerial leaders of worship

Reference: Volume 40 Winter 2004, p2

Ian Gough

In a second article on the subject Ian Gough deals with the prayers used in funeral rites in the Church of Scotland since 1945 and the theology which they reflect. He gives evidence of a changing emphasis in what is said in relationship both to the bereaved and the deceased, and notes continuing sensitivity in some quarters to anything that appears to be prayer for the dead and in others of language which seems to make a distinction between the committed and the uncommitted.

Reference: Volume 40 Winter 2004, p11

James C Stewart

At intervals of a generation or thereby (1943, 1968) the Society has published general reading lists, with comment, covering the areas of its concerns. James C. Stewart seeks to continue the practice noting titles under the headings, Reference Books, The Theory of Worship, The History of Worship. Scottish Worship, Worship in other traditions, Church Architecture, About Psalms, Hymns and Music, The Christian Year, Lectionary and Preaching,

Reference: Volume 40 Winter 2004, p20

Tom A Davidson Kelly

In reviews of two composite works dealing with significant Scottish ecclesiastical buildings of medieval origin Tom A Davidson Kelly highlights the work of members of the Society and of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society in their restoration.

King's College Chapel, Aberdeen, 1500 - 2000, edited by Jane Geddes

The Monastery and Abbey of Paisley, edited by John Malden

Reference: Volume 40 Winter 2004, p30
PDF icon Book Reviews3.08 MB

No author specified

No summary currently available

Reference: Volume 40 Winter 2004
PDF icon Inside back cover Secretarial Notes419.47 KB

The Editor

Reference: Volume 38 Autumn 2002, p1

No author specified

Sir James Alexander Milne Marjoribanks KCMG MA

The Revd Professor John Kelman Sutherland Reid CBE TD MA BD DD

The Very Revd William Boyd Robson MacMillan MA BD LLD DD

Reference: Volume 38 Autumn 2002, p2
PDF icon Obituaries452.15 KB

Duncan B Forrester

Barth's critique of sacramentality could help a recover and renewal of worship. Kierkegaard had seen the sacraments as disjoined from discipleship and ethics. Barth saw baptism and Communion as belonging in the sphere of ethics, and not as rituals, yet Communion was the 'action of actions' and should be celebrated weekly; it is the model of all true and faithful action, both exemplary and challenging. The church has separated holy from profane and the holy table from the table of everyday. The connection with the Passover Meal is noted and so also are the other meals of the gospels where all were welcome. The church is criticised for putting limits on participation. Communion is exemplary in its challenge to share, to serve, to affirm each other's worth; and it challenges the lovelessnesses and injustices of the world. It sets disciples free to allow grace to flow through them to the world. 'Holiness is a matter of delight rather than of effort'. The paper ends with a quotations from the hymn, 'O thou who at thy eucharist did pray'.

Reference: Volume 38 Autumn 2002, p4
PDF icon The End of Sacraments?4.98 MB

Peter H Donald

There is conflict today in what we sing, in how we read the Bibel, in our understanding of sacraments, in how we pray. Yet in these very divisions crossovers are seen, and there is realisation that we find what we need in the experience of other traditions. A faith and order project on baptism is outlined as an example of ways of proceding; we are not doing our own thing and it is wrong to think so. Diversity is in fact rooted in a high degree of unity.

Reference: Volume 38 Autumn 2002, p16
PDF icon Worship - Does it Unite or Divide?3.07 MB

James C Stewart

This is a review of Common Worship: Services and Prayers for the Church of England (Church House Publishing).

Reference: Volume 38 Autumn 2002, p24
PDF icon Common Worship: A Challenge?2.36 MB

Charles and Alison Robertson

Presbyterian PraiseG D S Deans, Pentland Press 1999, reviewed by Charles and Alison Robertson

Reference: Volume 38 Autumn 2002, p30
PDF icon Book Review1.98 MB

The Editor

Reference: Volume 37 Spring 2001, p1
