New Technologies, New Ways

John R Hume

The former Chief Inspector of Buildings, Historic Scotland, former Convener of the Church of Scotland's Committee on Art and Architecture, and current Chair of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland, reviews each technological innovation regarding buildings and worship over the centuries, including building techniques, light and sound, audio-visual systems, disabled access, the organ, the use of other instruments, together with some of the practices made possible, and asks for discernment in the use of each new advance.

Volume 43 2007/8, p15
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John R. Hume OBE has, inter alia, been University Lecturer in Economic History: Chief Inspector of Historic Buildings, Historic Scotland; Chair, the Royal Commission of Ancient and Historic Monuments of Scotland since 2005; and has recently completed a distinguished and extended term as Convener of the General Assembly’s Committee on Church Art and Architecture. Among his books is Scotland’s Best Churches, 2005. He is a trustee of the Scotland’s Churches Scheme, and a honorary professor at Glasgow University.