Recent Books on Worship

Douglas Galbraith

Titles described are:

Hymns for all seasons: the complete works of James Quinn SJ, ed Paul Inwood (OCP 2017)

The meaning of Christian liturgy: recent developments in the Church of Sweden, Oloph Bexell (Eerdmans)

Growing through the church: a practical and theological vision for all-age worship, Russell Herbert (Mayhew)

Songs for suffering: praying the psalms in time of trouble, Simon P. Stocks (Hendrickson)

Daily prayer for all seasons: a contemporary Benedictine prayer companion, (Canterbury)

Wrestling with the Word: preaching tricky texts, eds Kate Bruce and Jamie Harrison ( SPCK)

English cathedral music and liturgy in the twentieth century, Martin Thomas (Ashgate)

Embodied liturgy: lessons in Christian ritual, Frank C. Senn (Fortress)

Contemporary worship music and everyday musical lives, Mark Porter (Routledge)

Encountering Vineyard worship, John Leach (Grove Books)

Evaluating worship: how do we know it is any good, Mark Earey (Grove Books)


Volume 52 2017, p37-41
PDF icon Record 53 37-4153.21 KB

Douglas Galbraith is Secretary of the Society.