Children and Communion

The Revd David D Scott

The Record editor shares the story of how he and the congregation responded to the needs of a Roman Catholic family who came to their rural church when there was no Catholic church at hand, and how this led to a liturgical innovation, something they felt was missing from the Church of Scotland tradition, a ‘First Communion’ rite. This not only enhanced the new step for baptised children as they were welcomed as communicants but affirmed the place of young people in the church. The resulting order of worship is included.

Volume 56 2021, p27
PDF icon Volume 56 2021, p2743.16 KB

David D Scott spent forty years working for the Church of Scotland mostly as a parish minister in Forth:St. Paul’s, Logie Kirk, Stirling, New Kilpatrick, Bearsden and Traprain, East Lothian. After graduating in Pure Mathematics, he spent a year teaching mathematics as a commissioned missionary of the Church of Scotland in Ghana. He was an assessor and director at National Assessment Conference and has recently been appointed editor of ‘The Record’.