Streaming the Sunday Service 2

The Very Revd. Dr. Tom Shields

Parish priest in Crieff and Comrie, Fr Tom Shields, another speaker at the study day entitled as above, discusses the theological and liturgiological issues related to worship at which people are not physically present. He reminds us that the resurrection narratives are as full of the disappearances of Christ as of his appearances, explores the relationship between symbol and reality, the significance of the renewed emphasis on the doctrine of the Trinity in our time, and the relationship between the physical aspects, and of the words and formulae, in worship and the person presiding. He suggests that online worship has reaffirmed the fundamental structure and purpose of worship, the giftedness of everything and everyone, and the reality of grace.

Volume 58 pp 10-16
PDF icon Streaming the Sunday Service 269.38 KB

Tom Shields, liturgical scholar and ecumenist, is currently parish priest of St Fillan’s, Crieff and St Margaret’s Comrie, and during over 30 years in ministry has served in several parishes and pastoral roles. He is a graduate of the Gregorian University in Rome (License in Sacred Theology 1989) and of New College, Edinburgh (PhD 2008). He has also been a member over several years of the Joint Commission on Doctrine, a long-standing dialogue between the Church of Scotland and the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland. As well as being a guest speaker at the Church Service Society’s study day earlier this year on the streaming of Sunday worship, he has written on this matter in Theology in Scotland (Vol.29 No.2, Autumn 2022).