Study Day 2019
"Ordination and Presiding at Holy Communion"
The Study Day will take place on Thursday 31st October 2019 at St Leonard’s-in-the-Fields, Marshall Place, Perth.
"Ordination and Presiding at Holy Communion"
The Study Day will take place on Thursday 31st October 2019 at St Leonard’s-in-the-Fields, Marshall Place, Perth.
Annual General Meeting - Lecture - Supper
on Tuesday 21st May 2019 at Greyfriars Kirk
Staging the Sunday Service
A unique day organised by the Church Service Society challenged churches to look to the theatre for inspiration.
"Treading the Terracotta: The Theatre that is worship"
The Study Day will take place on Wednesday 28th November 2018 at Dunblane Cathedral.
The Council has issued a statement of the Church Service Society's policy regarding the information it keeps about its members.
Details of the contents of the next edition of the Record.
The latest edition of the Society's journal.
Single copies £5 including p&p from the Secretary
"The use of technology in worship"
The Study Day which which was originally planned for Thursday 18th January 2018 will now take place on Thursday 8th March 2018 at Greyfriars Parish Church, Lanark.
A report of the anniversary year of 2015