Volume 01 1928-29


The Right Rev Norman Maclean, Moderator of the General Assembly

The Church of Scotland’s freedom in worship can be a snare when abused. “It is not a Christian service when a congregation goes through the forms of worship without confession or absolution; when the first prayer is a theological meditation; and when petitions, incongruous and interminable, jostle each other in an inchoate mass.” The Church Service Society has shown that the bare and formless worship offered in the parish churches for over two centuries was not the fruit of the Reformation and the publication of these volumes draws attention to the reverence and beauty and dignity which the worship of God requires

The Principles of Divine Service

The Rev W A Knowles, BD, Dalton,

At the Reformation, every service, not the Eucharist alone, became a complete act of devotion, containing all the elements of worship. The principles sought are based on Holy Scripture, supremely in I Peter and Hebrews. The primary act is penitence but this should not be too detailed, being corporate, followed by pardon and supplication. The Psalms have a high place. Scripture should be read consecutively and a lectionary is desirable. The crowning act is intercession, although not too detailed nor too long.

The Service of Holy Communion

The Rev John W Baird, St Andrews

The morning service as currently practised is based on the “Hours” services. Holy Communion is the “Lord’s own service”.  This is similar in however many contemporary traditions in which it is found. The shape is based on the old Missa Catechumenorum and Missa Fidelium. These are outlined and the Thanksgiving analysed. The Roman Liturgy omits the prayer to the Holy Spirit. The Westminster Directory is in the spirit of the ancient forms. The former mode which used “tables” and multiplicity of addresses did not foster interest in the service and only recently have the beauty and devotion of the earliest liturgies been recovered. The Anglican service is critiqued. The article now reviews the various forms of the Eucharist in print and makes further comparisons with Roman, Anglican and Eastern forms. Reference is made to Psalm 43 while the paraphrase ’Twas on that night is shown to be used equally with Psalm 24.

The Holy Table

The Rev J F Leishman, MA, Linton

Origins in Greek and Roman use. The former is the true forerunner of British Church practice (cf. Euchologion), reference being made to dress, standing at prayer, the lifting of the elements, the mixed cup (Aberdeen) and unleavened bread (Galloway) still in use. Frequency of celebration is urged and it is noted that the number of parishes having Easter Communion has recently quadrupled. Posture at table is discussed and other recent practices analysed (e.g. the “little utensils”).

Concerning Lectionaries

The Rev Wm McMillan, MA, Ph D, St Leonard’s, Dunfermline

The origins of the lectionary in the Old Testament and in the early Church and references in later documents. Anglican practice. The belief of the Reformers that “Scripture should be read through in order” and some early prescriptions. The position of the Westminster Directory. A first formal lectionary mid-nineteenth century. Euchologion, its lectionaries and explanations. Lectionaries in other Presbyterian publications. The article does not aim to set out the arguments for and against lectionaries.

The Revised Church Hymnary

The Rev Thomas Marjoribanks, BD, Colinton

Written months after the publication of the new book, the article assesses its impact. There is some analysis of the diverse material contained within it. It is noted that the Scottish Hymnal is still held in affection, “particularly in the Church Service Society”, and some material has been restored from that publication. The wide time span of the material is noted. The problem of contemporary hymns is noted and the author finds the examples of these wanting, as he does the provision for children. The reaction against Victorian tunes is commented upon. His advice is to “hasten slowly” in introducing new material.

Dalmeny Church - The Work of Restoration

The Rev W Neil Sutherland, MC, MA

The author (minister of the church) claims that Dalmeny has the most perfect Norman chancel in Britain.  A survey of alterations to the building throughout the centuries is given and a detailed account given of the process of this most recent restoration, including how the correct stone was sourced.   There are photographs of the restoration and details of carving.

Notes and Comments

No Author Specified

the reason for the publication of the Annual;
an explanation of the Calendar;
a note about the Lindisfarne Gospels, now in the British Museum;
an announcement of the publication of Services for Holy Week and Easter, prepared by the Rt. Rev Dr Norman Maclean;
a comment on the over-elaborate arrangements at marriages;
a report of alterations to the east end of St Columba’s Church, London;
a description of a new Communion Table cloth at St Paul’s, Greenock;
an extract from a Pastoral Letter by Bishop Ken relating to Lent;
a collect with animals as its subject;
a note about the practice of singing a Vesper after the Benediction;
a comment about the state of Church music.


No Author Specified

The Lindisfarne Gospels, A Page from  -  Frontispiece
The Holy Table - Linton and Hoselaw  -   Facing page 40
The Holy Table - St Paul’s, Greenock  -   Facing page 41
Paisley Abbey  -  Facing page 56
St Columba’s Church, London  -   Facing page 57
Dalmeny Church - The Sanctuary  -   Facing page 80
Dalmeny Church - Keystones  -   Facing page 81
The Church of Chapel of Garioch  -   Facing page 81