Volume 12 1941-42 (War-time Issue)

The Church and the Arts

Sir D Y Cameron, RA, LL D, Kippen

Sir D Y Cameron makes a plea for a recovered recognition, in the post-war world, of the Church as the “heart of the world” and “the home of the beautiful”, based on a somewhat idealised view of the medieval period in Scotland as a golden age of art

The Selection of the Praise for Public Worship

The Rev Millar Patrick, DD

Millar Patrick draws attention to the Committee on Public Worship and Aids to Devotion’s publication,Outline and Brief Explanation of Public Worship, and amplifies, for the benefit of ministers, some of its suggestions relating to the choice of praise, emphasising the importance of the congruity of individual items to their place and context in the service and highlighting as general principles,considered variety, relevance, and progression.


William McMillan

William McMillan.  Short notices of
        The Bible for Today  edited by John Stirling
        The Reformation in England by F  M  Powicke
        Daily Prayer compiled by Eric Milner White and G W Briggs
        A Short Method for Pulpit and Services by J Ramsay McCallum
        English Church Craftsmanship by F H Crossley
        Keep Thou my Soul by E  C  Messenger

Notes and Comments

Various Contributors

Referring to:
The cover of the Annual and its designer, Miss Gladys Whyte, embroiderer;
Emphasis in reciting the Lord’s Prayer;
Posture and position at funeral services;
Sir Francis Chantrey and a memorial in Sanquhar;
A survival of the medieval maniple?
The Cross in churches;
Doxologies at the conclusion of metrical psalms;
Occasions for the celebration of Holy Communion;
A collect ‘in time of war’
Sir D Y Cameron (author of first article);
A large influx of younger men to membership of the Society;
The kindred society in New Zealand.


Illustrations in this volume

St Michael’s, Linlithgow (Interior)   -  Facing page 14
St Michael’s, Linlithgow (Interior, looking westward)   -  Facing page 15
St Michael’s, Linlithgow (Exterior)   -  Facing page 15