Volume 26 1956

The Place of the Humanity of Christ in the Sacramental Life of the Church

The Rev Thomas F Torrance, MA, BD, DD, D Theol, Professor of Christian Dogmatics, University of Edinburgh

Not two dimensions regarding essence of Gospel but three: God, man, and Jesus in whom God and man are one. Inportant for understanding of eschatology. Some theologians only two, e.g. Bultmann, Tillich. Can’t be just time and eternity but in Jesus Christ time redeemed and joined together with eternity. The understanding stems from Calvin, and before him Irenaeus and Athanasius; Calvin saw importance for a) priesthood of Christ, b) baptism, c) Lord’s Supper. The paper follows this trail through subsequent history, including John McLeod Campbell. We have failed to grasp the place of the full humanity of Christ and this has led to a failure in understanding of Word and Sacrament.

Pulpit and Communion Table

The late Rev Millar Patrick, MA, DD, President of the Society 1930-32

This paper is reproduced from the Annual of 1932-33 [check this] The failure of the Reformers to follow Calvin’s teaching about the centrality of Communion. Knox as a man deficient in imagination and did not appreciate the value of symbolism. Pulpit and preaching were the centre of interest in a time of fierce debate – the intellectualizing of religion. Other reasons for this overlooking of Communion. The contribution of symbol to the life of the spirit. Scripture bears out that our religion is one that makes itself intelligible through symbolism. Rare observance of the Sacrament has restricted its meaning. The paper argues – if frequent celebration cannot happen – that at least the Table be fully visible and not used for other purposes (war memorial, for example). Various ways of achieving this prominence are discussed.

The Children’s Sermon

The Rev William D Maxwell, MA, BD, Ph D, DD, Minister at Whitekirk and Tyninghame

Argues that children's sermon is gradually undermining the worship of the Church. Paper offers an alternative and, further, discusses related issues such as the comprehension of children, the length of time.

Church Music in the Pattern of Worship

The Rev Thomas H Keir, MA, Minister of St Cuthbert’s Parish Church, Melrose

This paper was derived from a lecture-recital. Requirements for music in worship are  the words should be fitting, b) the music should fit the words, c) the music must be of spiritual quality (Bridges quoted on 'making worldly man feel at home rather than reveal to him something of the life beyond his knowledge'), d) must fit pattern of service. This last is explored in some detail, covering issues such as the variety of mood in a service, the tendencies of different centuries with respect to musical content – with attention given to the nineteenth century, then the matter of 'personality intruding, the question of emotion and the desire for a 'good sing'. How to introduce the more suitable music? The solution is context: music, even though at first sight 'highbrow', will be appreciated in its right place.

Notes and Comments

No Author Specified

Flowers on the Holy Table. The place of the Amen.  Wearing medals on clerical robes. Report of the Annual Meeting of 1955 (Olive Wyon unable to be present to give address). A campaign for new members. One day conference on church music at Newport-on-Tay


Illustrations in this volume

(All between pages 26 and 27)
St Columba’s Church, Pont Street: The Sanctuary
St Columba’s Church, Pont Street: Lectern and Baptismal Font
St Columba’s Church, Pont Street: The Pulpit
St Columba’s Church, Pont Street: Stairway