Volume 27 1957


The Rev R Stuart Louden, TD, MA, BD, Minister of Greyfriars Church, Edinburgh

Presidential address for 1965 to the Leighton Club. A confusing situation pertains at the momment, with some churches opening table to others, and the anomalies this produces. Some of the theological misunderstandings behind this. In the context of the search for unity, intercommunion is in itself not the end in itself. The writer sees this as urgent and offers four principles: the one-ness of the church, baptism in other denominations is accepted, the Lord's Table to be the emphasis rather than Eucharist as a 'rite'. The author favours the approach that intercommunion be possible and desirable after certain significant steps towards unity are taken rather than when full unity has otherwise been achieved. T F Torrance quoted: The Eucharistic communion does not add anything to the wholeness of Baptismal incorporation, but it is a renewal of the Church's oneness in the Body of Christ, and such an anticipation of the fulness to come that through it the Church may live out boldly and spiritually in the midst of the broken and divided world the oneness of the Body of Christ'.

Another Wrestling Jacob

The Rev Charles I G Stobie, MA, Minister at Auchtergaven, Perthshire

This is an account and reflection on the crusade of Jacob Primmer around the turn of the twentieth century to rid the Church of Scotland of what he saw as Romish practices. The author argues that in some sense Primmer has 'won', citing the example of musical standards in the church.


Various Contributors

Byzantine Architecture and Decoration, J Arnott Hamilton (Batsford, 1956) reviewed by John A Lamb, The Oxford Easy Anthem Book (OUP) reviewed by Wilfred J Emery, The Architecture of Scottish Post-Reformation Churches, George Hay (OUP) reviewed by J Arnott Hamilton, Your Parish Church (Council for the Care of Churches) reviewed by W D Maxwell.


No Author Specified

Report of the Annual Meeting of the Society 1956 and of the one day conference (Costorphine, on the Book of Common Order and The Scottish Book of Common Prayer).
The Seal and the Motto of the Society, an explanation. The Constitution of the Society.


Illustrations in this volume

(All between pages 30 and 31)

The Scots Kirk, Amsterdam: Entrance Porch from the Spui
The Scots Kirk, Amsterdam: The Interior
The Scots Church, Rotterdam: The Interior
The Scots Church, Rotterdam: Interior, facing the Organ Gallery