Liturgy: The Way to Unity
The article begins with discussion about the meaning of the words ‘liturgy’ and ‘unity’. Liturgy is the corporate worship of the People of God and carries intrinsic significance. Liturgy is ‘a grateful, thankful or Eucharistic response to what God has done for us in Jesus Christ’ (p5). Christ is Lord and Grace flows from heaven to earth. An outline of Communion practice within the Church of Scotland leads to the conclusion that ‘mystery’ must be taken seriously and that ‘the only celebrant is Christ Himself, really present’ (p8). In recent regional talks Anglicans and Presbyterians found eucharistic agreement in large measure. Different terms used by different denominations are examined e.g. Mass, Lord’s Supper. Eucharist, Holy Communion. The Vatican Council’s ‘Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy’ may prove an important point on the way to unity through liturgy.