Volume 37 1967

Liturgy: The Way to Unity

The Rev R Stuart Louden, TD, DD

The article begins with discussion about the meaning of the words ‘liturgy’ and ‘unity’. Liturgy is the corporate worship of the People of God and carries intrinsic significance. Liturgy is ‘a grateful, thankful or Eucharistic response to what God has done for us in Jesus Christ’ (p5). Christ is Lord and Grace flows from heaven to earth. An outline of Communion practice within the Church of Scotland leads to the conclusion that ‘mystery’ must be taken seriously and that ‘the only celebrant is Christ Himself, really present’ (p8). In recent regional talks Anglicans and Presbyterians found eucharistic agreement in large measure. Different terms used by different denominations are examined e.g. Mass, Lord’s Supper. Eucharist, Holy Communion. The Vatican Council’s ‘Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy’ may prove an important point on the way to unity through liturgy.

The Bible in Public Worship

The Robert Lee Lecture, delivered in the Kirk of the Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 1st May 1966, by the Rev John Lamb, BD, Ph D, DD, Edinburgh

The Jewish custom of reading lessons at worship is outlined, as it is for early Christian assemblies and as explained by Justin Martyr in his First Apology. The article goes on to examine the three ways of using Scripture in public worship. Psalmody, the Lessons and the Sermon. Prayers also use biblical language and it would be improper not to mention Holy Communion as along with the Lord’s Prayer these were the only two examples of instruction about forms of worship given by our Lord to his disciples.

Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay: South Parish Church

The Rev George P Innes, BD, LL B, Ph D, Minister of the Parish

The author (Minister of the church) explains how it came to be built where it was, that the first Minister had two transepts added, by 1860 it moved from Chapel of Ease to Parish Church. By June 1865 it had an organ. The church was reconstructed in 1895 and details of the interior are listed as are the names of the Ministers from 1856.

The Book of Psalms

Herbert Wiseman, Esq, MA, formerly Director of Music, Edinburgh Corporation Education Committee, and Organist at St Andrew’s (Drumsheugh Church) Edinburgh

There are many tunes used for Psalm singing. It is important to practice words not only tunes. In Scotland we are not really Psalm singers but singers of snippets from Psalms. To use the Book of Psalms to the full they should be sung or said using the prose version, perhaps antiphonally. Gregorian tones could be used – with time given to practice. The author does not recommend the ‘Anglican’ form of chanting Psalms. The chanting of the BBC singers is worth listening to and similar high minded ideals were used in the preparation of the Scottish Psalter (1929).

The Selection of the Praise for Public Worship

The Rev Millar Patrick, DD, Edinburgh

The Committee on Public Worship and Aids to Devotion has produced a useful leaflet entitled Outline and Brief Explanation of Public Worship. Suggestions are given on how to choose appropriate hymns for the appropriate point in the diet of worship.

Consider variety- some ‘hearty’ others more meditative. 
Hymns should be relevant. It is important for a minister to choose all the praise and think of the relation of each part to the whole act of worship. 
Praise should show progression. It ought not to be variations on one single theme. The time spent shaping worship will help worshippers to offer their best to God.


Illustrations in this volume

(All between pages 24 and 25)

Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay South Church: Exterior
Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay South Church: Interior, showing Barrel Vaulted Roof
Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay South Church: Communion Table
Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay South Church: Chancel and Pulpit