Volume 03, Number 01 May 1973

The Theology of Liturgy

John M Barkley

This substantial paper, one in the series of Centenary Lectures, finds current books too cult-centred and seeks sources to lead to a theology of liturgy. The primacy of Christ from the beginning is noted, not just over the church but the whole world; the paper ranges through the Scriptural witness and early controversies in defence of this central truth. There is a digression on inter-faith worship. Doctrine or dogma determines worship, but there must be an inter-relationship. The shape of worship attests to the primacy of the Word, which is Christ. Secular pressures on the church. The paper discusses the place of Tradition, Ecclesiology and Christology for fashioning a theology of worship. The paper is rich in quotation and allusion.

The Church Hymnary: Third Edition

Thomas H Keir

The Convener of the Revision Committee looks at some points of special interest in the forthcoming publication of the new book, drawing attention to the liturgical pattern of its contents, the placing of the psalms through the book, the policy regarding modern hymns, the  more objective character of Baptismal hymns, the great increase in the provision of Communion hymns, prose settings of the psalms, and the commissioning of new tunes from some 30 contemporary Scottish-based composers.


Luther and the Canon of the Mass

Bryan D Spinks

Rather than taking a pruning knife to the Canon of the Mass, the author shows that the Canon or 'Office' as in Formula Missae and the Deutsche Messe is an expression of the conviction regarding justification by faith and an avoidance of any sense of sacrifice which suggests that salvation can be achieved through human agency. This is developed by reference to Luther's own analysis of the existing Canon and the author's commentary on the new Canon which replaced it, albeit with some of the original elements. He concludes, 'In doing this, Luther believed that he had replaced the Canon with the Gospel; the Canon had given up its place to Christ as its master. Far from being a conservative and unimaginative liturgiologist, Luther was in fact giving positive liturgical expression to Justification.

List of Plates

Illustrations in this volume

Fig. 1 The Church of the Holy Rude, Stirling
Fig. 2 Nave - looking west
Fig. 3 Nave - looking east
Fig. 4 One section of choir stalls with organ console