The theme is tradition.
The theme is tradition.
Prof J K S Reid gives the presidental address in May 1980. The paper explores the various meanings of the term, and the different usages and concepts as appear in the New Testament, in the creeds, and subsequent Christian writers. The author then offers outcomes from his own study and reflection on these matters.
Stephen H Brown of North Carolina sets out to show how the earliest reshaping of the liturgy and accompanying analysis on the part of Calvin and others has been appropriated in the USA as filtered through the various traditions that settled there, and the move through the centuries from non-liturgical to liturgical worship in the Reformed denominations. The Presbyterian Worshipbook of 1970 is analysed and assessed and how it has been received is reported.
Alastair Symington takes a searching look at this long-established form of nurture and training in the faith and describes the approach taken in his own congregation, which has involved the development of family services.
Graeme Longmuir discusses religious education and how, in his United Reformed congregation, this is approached in a church where Communion is the norm and every Sunday is a family service. He identifies the contradiction between receiving someone into the church at baptism but them refusing them participation at Communion and describes how a service can be designed which welcomes children and allows them to receive the elements.
G J Cuming discusses W D Maxwell’s views on Knox’s negative attitude to the BCP 1552 and yet notes borrowings in the Forme of Prayer of 1556. Cuming adds considerably to this list.
G M Henderson takes issue with J K S Reid in the previous issue where he refers to the ‘Consecration Prayer’, arguing that this is no mere petition but is itself the Liturgy of the Sacrament. He also criticises the splitting of the epiclesis and comments on the fraction taking place within that sequence.
The Study of Liturgy, eds. Cheslyn Jones, Geoffrey Wainwright and Edward Yarnold (SPCK 1978). Review by J K S Reid.
Children of promise¸Geoffrey Bromiley (T & T Clark 1979). Reviewed by Jock Stein.
Aufklărung Catholicism 1780-1850 L J Swidler (Scholars Press 1978). Review by Gianfranco Tellini.
The forgiveness of sins, Edward Matthews (Collins 1978). Reviewed by Richard Holloway.
Heaven in Ordinarie, Noel O’Donoghue (T & T Clark 1979). Reviewed by Columba Ryan.
Information is given about the forthcoming conference of the North American Academy of Liturgy (1981) and information is given about the journal Reformed Liturgy and Music.
A report is given on the 1980 Annual Meeting of the Society, and an announcement made about a forthcoming Centenary Lecture. Gratitude is expressed to the Revd W J Ross who had demitted office after serving as secretary for 25 years.