Volume 07 Spring 1984


The Editor

The need to widen the membership of the Society to contribute to broader debate and benefit from the many other innovative leaders of worship who do not at the moment belong.

An Ecumenical Development at Skene

Iain U Thomson

The minister, Iain U Thomson, describes the creation of a new church to serve what was virtually a new town six miles west of Aberdeen and close to Skene, planned and shared by the Church of Scotland, the Scottish Episcopal Church, and the Roman Catholic Church. [The Scottish Episcopal congregation has now moved to a building of its own.]


Various contributors

Church Music in a Changing World, Lionel Dakers, Mowbray, reviewed by Wilfred Norris

Clouded Witness. Initiation in the Church of England in the Mid-Victorian Period 1850-1875, Peter J Jagger, Pickwick Publications, Pennsylvania, 1982, reviewed by A W Morrison

Holy Week Services (revised and expanded edition), Joint Liturgical Group, SPCK 1983, reviewed by Colin Williamson

Praying Round the Clock, Richard Harries, Mowbray, reviewed by Jock Stein