Volume 11 Autumn 1985

From the President

Rev W B R Macmillan

The President announces a plan to make the Society and its work more widely known, to be discussed at a meeting in St Mary’s Dundee in October. There will also be papers on the Church and the Arts, and on the devotional uses of the current Church Hymnary.


The Editor

The editor suggests that as well as Bible Study in a congregation, there should be a place for ‘hymn study’. He also announces his retiral and takes the opportunity to suggest that the title of the journal be changed.

Cap this
A story about an absent-minded minister.

The 1984 Presidential Address: The Most Urgent Call to the Kirk: Celebration of Christ in the Liturgy of Word and Sacrament

Rev H W M Kant

This is the presidential address to the Society of 1984 by the Revd W H M Cant of St Magnus Cathedral, Orkney. This substantial paper begins by quoting an excerpt from the Orkney writer George Mackay Brown recreating a mass on the island of Egilsay and continues with a searching and eloquent plea to the Church to find renewal in the celebration of Christ in the Word and Sacrament. It falls into three sections: 1. Christ’s presence and the transformation of life; 2. The celebration of Christ in the liturgy of the Word (A. the Gospel of Forgiveness and Reconciliation, B. The reading and preaching of the Word, C. The climactic point of the service of the Word); 3. The Celebration of Christ in the liturgy of the Eucharist (A. The eucharistic celebration of the death of Christ, B. The eucharistic celebration of the living Christ, our high priest in heaven and on earth, C. The eucharistic celebration of the paschal mystery of Christ); 4. The revolutionary power of the Sacrament for the future.

A Pattern for Family Services

Rev Alastair H Gray

An insert is included in this number giving details of the shape and content of family services over the years, and an explanation, given by the Revd Alastair H Gray, minister of Methil, is printed within the journal. It is regretted that the insert, a copy of the ‘Sunday newspaper’ of this congregation, was not digitalised. Copies of the Record can be consulted in New College (University of Edinbugh) and in several other similar libraries, or in the ‘master copy’ kept by the Secretary of the Society.


An obituary of a past president and former Moderator of the General Assembly.

A dip in the archives
This referred to a service of Holy Communion in 1985 held in Greyfriars during the General Assembly, where the musical settings of the liturgical texts as in the current Church Hymnary (Third Edition, ‘CH3’) were used along with the order in the Book of Common Order 1979. The paragraph refers to a similar event in 1975, using the Society’s Euchologion.


Various contributors

Anglican-Orthodox Dialogue: The Dublin Agreed Statement 1984, SPCK 1984, reviewed by Rev Dr R Stuart Louden
Creation and Evolution: The Facts and Fallacies, Alan Hayward, SPCK, reviewed by Rev William G Neill