Volume 12 Winter 1985


The Editor

A discussion of the order used when inducting a minister to a charge in the Church of Scotland and a comparison with the equivalent in the Scottish Episcopal Church.

A Dip in the Archives

Recalls a spirited response by Dr Story in 1876 to the charge that the Society involved a violation of ordination vows in that it assumed a departure from the ‘uniformity of worship established by the Revolution Settlement’.


Various contributors

The Psalms Come Alive - An Introduction to the Psalms through the Arts, John H Eaton, Mowbray 1984, reviewed by Rev Andrew Anderson

Choosing - and Using - Hymns, Lionel Dakers, Mowbray 1985, reviewed by David A Stewart

Handbook to the Church Hymnary Third Edition, ed. Rev Professor John M Barkley, OUP 1979, reviewed by Rev R Stuart Louden