Volume 19 Autumn 1988
Centenary Lecture
This is described as the Church Service Society Centenary Lecture, given in both Edinburgh and Aberdeen in October 1987. In pursuit of the theme, the lecture a) notes that the bread and wine are manufactured goods and the product of human labour, indicating that material things are the means of Christ's continuing presence; b) the early development of the idea that the body of Christ and the church were one and the same meant that the church is the means of Christ addressing the needs of the world; the Eucharist is not simply a place for faithful to deepen own commitment but 'stirrup cup to battle'; d) in the Parish Communion movement, or 'sacramental socialists', the high churchmen and Anglo-Catholics not apeing Catholics but contained command to serve needs of people and nations; it must influence business, society, politics; class divisions seen to contradict communion in Christ; here was equivalent of Liturgical Movement in C of E, receiving a boost from Hebert's Liturgy and Society. Influential also was Robinson's Liturgy coming to Life where the 'we who are many' recreated as new community in Christ, or George MacLeod's Only One Way Left, of Fr Balasuriya, 'Eucharist .. eschatological significance ..ultimate liberation in the Kingdom'. The sacramental moment par excellence is 'Go forth', 'Ite, missa est'.
Standing for the Gospel and other kindred matters
There is strong historical evidence for the primacy of the Gospel, in processions and acts associated with its reading. The article explores the history of standing for the Gospel before and after the Reformation. One can argue for preserving diversity (stand or not). C of S congregations who re-institute standing (with the traditional understanding that the Gospels are 'the very Word of Christ') are being 'mischievous', since biblical study suggests otherwise.
The Visitor Centre, Cathedral Square, Glasgow
Extracts from the Brochure: Laying of the Foundation Stone. The centre was built on the site of the Bishop's Castle, whose history is outlined. Details of the excavation are given. The Society of Friends of the Cathedral hoped to rekindle a sense of identity with our past and to contribute to the regrowing of the area around the cathedral. A description is given of the proposed building and of the laying of the foundation stone.
Quo Tendimus ... Quo Ruimus
A reflection on changes in the church, disappearances to be regretted and innovations to be deplored.
From the Archives
No summary currently available