Resources for Worship

Chapel at Scottish Churches House, Dunblane

One of the first tasks the Society undertook after its founding was to publish a service book for the Presbyterian denominations in Scotland. Euchologion, from 1867 onwards, ran to nine editions, continuing into the Book of Common Order and related publications which were compiled and authorised by the General Assemblies of the Churches themselves. The Society has continued to publish prayers and orders of service for significant occasions.


The material in this section, which will be refreshed from time to time, may be downloaded and reproduced. It is © Church Service Society.


Great Lover of humanity,
you reach out to all your creatures,
seeking their good.
Even when we turn aside
to follow our own ambitions,
careless of the effect on others,
even when we test to destruction
the trust others have placed in us,
even then you embrace us,
sweeping all our mistakes
into your good plan for humankind.
Humble our pride in self or race or history
and nurture in us a faith strong as the Canaanite woman's
that we may be open to receiving God's mercy
and so recognise the place we are given
in the new creation made tangible in Christ Jesus;
in whose name we pray.


For the children of Syria,
for the women of Afghanistan,
for the men of Iraq,
for the elderly of Egypt:
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For those hungry in the midst of plenty,
the sick far from medical care,
the homeless after natural disaster,
those grieving for those lost in conflict:
Lord in your mercy …

For aid agencies and relief teams,
politicians seeking solutions,
communicators showing the truth,
neighbours and Good Samaritans:
Lord in your mercy …


O God, who sings through your creation,
in the melody of its waters and the wind in the trees,
in the lilt of the songbird and the animal's call,
and who gave to David and all your musicians
psalms and songs to echo and hymn this beauty;
help us to find what is most creative in ourselves
so that we can sing and make music
that is worthy of all you give us,
and add to the glorious sound of praise
that rises from all your grateful creatures;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.           

(from Psalm 98)


Merciful God,
before we can know your renewing grace,
we seek your forgiveness.
We are sorry for the times someone stretched out a hand
and we pretended not to notice;
for the times someone wasn't beautiful to us
and we looked away;
for the times truth was on our tongues
and we swallowed it instead of speaking it;
for the times love was in our hearts
and we were too embarrassed to express it;
for the times we were prey to fears
and we didn’t' trust you with them;
for the times a stranger asked us for something
and we pretended not to realise what was needed;
for the times we haven't love enough
and for the times we have loved with only part of ourselves;
have mercy upon us, O Lord. Amen