Opening Prayers

Every day God

Every day God,
your beloved child Jesus Christ
found in the currency of the times
and in the husbandry of the place
ways to speak of you
and to teach of your love
to those around;
the widow’s mite,
the cash points in the temple yard,
the emperor who provided coins
but the God who created all;
and in the care of the land,
in crops and furrows,
in the managing of vineyards
and the hiring of labour,
he showed the truths of God
and his care for all creatures.
Bless us as we gather

Great Lover of humanity

Great Lover of humanity,
you reach out to all your creatures,
seeking their good.
Even when we turn aside
to follow our own ambitions,
careless of the effect on others,
even when we test to destruction
the trust others have placed in us,
even then you embrace us,
sweeping all our mistakes
into your good plan for humankind.
Humble our pride in self or race or history
and nurture in us a faith strong as the Canaanite woman's
that we may be open to receiving God's mercy
and so recognise the place we are given