
Tom Davidson Kelly

Scotland’s Best Churches (2005) by John R Hume. Tom Davidson Kelly carefully assesses and welcomes a finely illustrated volume which ‘skilfully includes 184 places of Christian worship from across the mainland and islands of Scotland, each significant building period, and a range of denominations’.

Reference: Volume 42 Winter 2006/7, p62
PDF icon Book Review1.17 MB

No author specified

No summary currently available

Reference: Volume 42 Winter 2006/7
PDF icon Inside back cover: Secretarial Notes401.52 KB

The Editor

No summary currently available

Reference: Volume 41 Winter 2005/6, p1

Stewart Todd

In an updated version of a 1988 lecture to the Society for Liturgical Study Stewart Todd draws attention to the minimal place accorded to creation themes in the Eucharistic services authorised in the Church of Scotland, paralleled in the Church of England, and, noting the larger place accorded to them in much early liturgy, suggests that we owe it to contemporary ‘prophet ecologists’ to fill out doxologically their understanding of nature in the purposes of God.

Reference: Volume 41 Winter 2005/6, p3

Johnston R McKay

Reflecting critically, in the light of widespread alienation from the church, on a recent Songs of Praisebroadcast following a natural disaster, Johnston R McKay, in his 2005 Lee Lecture, asks how public ‘public’ worship should be. He refers to much modern theological talk of the vulnerable God as unduly prescriptive and failing to connect with many contemporaries, and suggests that music provides space and atmosphere to develop their own spiritual convictions.

Reference: Volume 41 Winter 2005/6, p12

Donald Gray

After brief references to the liturgical influence of Vatican II and the Faith and Order movement, Donald Gray, successively its Secretary and Chairman, traces the suggestion for the formation of the Joint Liturgical Group in 1963 to a paper by Dr John Lamb published in The Annual of the Church Service Society in 1960. The part played by Dr Ronald Jasper in securing the appropriate invitation from the Archbishop of Canterbury and later in enlisting the participation of the Roman Catholic Church is fully dealt with. Ambivalent Vatican policy features largely when the place of JLG in international liturgical co-operation on texts and lectionary is dealt with.

Reference: Volume 41 Winter 2005/6, p23

Graham Redding

In a lecture (to the School of Ministry in Dunedin) Graham Redding surveys the varying nature of the Sunday services offered in Presbyterian churches in New Zealand, suggests some of the influences which have helped to undermine its distinctiveness, and calls for a revisiting of the liturgical theology of Calvin and Knox, noting the emphatic approval of the former for “a certain form from which ministers be not allowed to vary”.

Reference: Volume 41 Winter 2005/6, p36

Douglas Galbraith

Douglas Galbraith mentions some of the recent work of the Group.

Reference: Volume 41 Winter 2005/6, p48
PDF icon The Joint Liturgical Group Chairman710.09 KB

Denzil Brown

Denzil Brown provides a review (first published in New Zealand) of Prayer and the Priesthood of Christ in the Reformed Tradition by Graham Redding. He suggests that, although it is not an easy read, it makes a significant contribution to the understanding of our tradition.

Reference: Volume 41 Winter 2005/6, p50
PDF icon Book Review1.17 MB

No author specified

There is mention of the retirement of the Treasurer, Andrew Stewart and of the proposal to create a CSS website.

Reference: Volume 41 Winter 2005/6
PDF icon Inside back cover: Secretarial Notes339.83 KB

James C Stewart

New Editor James Stewart thanks his predecessor, Henry Sefton, and gives some indication of his intentions.

Reference: Volume 39 Spring 2004, p1

No author specified

Regretful leave-taking after six years of Rachel Dobie and welcome to Neil Gardner.

Reference: Volume 39 Spring 2004, p2
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Maurice Taylor

Maurice Taylor asks his question from the viewpoint of one standing in the Roman Catholic tradition, notes the work of the International Commission for English in the Liturgy (ICEL) and points to difficulties stemming from a renewed Vatican requirement for strict faithfulness to Latin originals and the sometimes conflicting requirements of good English designed to be read aloud. Some examples of earlier and later translations and of original texts in English are given.

Reference: Volume 39 Spring 2004, p4
PDF icon What is Good Liturgical Language?4.17 MB

G A Duncan

Graham Duncan, writing of the background to his teaching on the conduct of worship for black theological studentsregrets the tendency of Western Christians to impose their dualistic notions on an inherited African awareness of the integration of life and worship, notes the ‘catholic’ influence of service books stemming from the Church of Scotland, the more evangelical influence of the Free Church, the spontaneity, freedom and participative nature of African worship, along with a vital concern for order. He ends, as he began, with an appreciative comment on insights from Alexander Hetherwick’s 1931 article in the CSS Annual.

Reference: Volume 39 Spring 2004, p17
PDF icon 2004-39-Spring-17.pdf5.05 MB

Ian Gough

Ian Gough writes on the practice and theology of funeral rites in the Church of Scotland since 1945 against a background of lessening Christian commitment coupled with an apparently little-diminished desire for religious funeral rites. In this first article, he deals with The Venue, noting the influential role of undertakers; The Music, in which the trend towards the unconventional is noted; and Scriptural Sentences and the Liturgy of the Word.

Reference: Volume 39 Spring 2004, p30
